CIOs, CDOs, IT-Leiter und IT-Manager aus der ganzen Schweiz kommen jährlich in Zürich zusammen, um beim CIO-Summit und der anschließenden CIO-Award-Verleihung Erfahrungen auszutauschen und sich Inspiration sowie neue Perspektiven zu holen.
Change remains our constant companion – crises, customer demands, technologies change the way our companies function. CIOs, CDOs and the IT management level have the levers in their hands and play a leading role in shaping all the important economic and social issues of our time. Digital technology makes many things possible: It’s time to stop measuring the state of digital transformation by intentions, visions and plans! The time is ripe for deciding, creating and acting!
Fortschritt braucht aber Kreativität und Impact. Aus Create + ACT wird CreACTe: Das Motto der Confare #CIOSUMMIT Events 2023 in Wien, Zürich und Frankfurt.
IT decision-makers from all over Switzerland come together at #CIOSUMMIT Zurich. The best companies in the IT industry will show you the possibilities of current technologies.
Here you have the chance to expand your digital ecosystem, meet innovative solution providers and find partners for new projects. Learn from the practical examples of our top-class speakers. Discuss in the CIO Executive Arenas, get all the latest news on enduring topics like Cloud, Software as a Service, Cybersecurity and get inspired by the work of the Swiss #CIOAward winners. An event not to be missed!